The two events on behalf of the company “Agrothraki – Stavrakaras SA” were held on May 18, 2022, and January 13, 2023, respectively, at #enahub, a meeting point for people and ideas from every sector, with a common goal of advancing education, the economy, and entrepreneurship.

The events aimed, on one hand, to inform the public about the challenges and opportunities for developing innovative actions in the field of livestock, agriculture, and agri-food, and on the other hand, to present the results of the research conducted by Agrothraki SA in collaboration with the National Technical University of Athens within the framework of the action “Investment Plans for Innovation, Research & Development, in the RIS3 priority sector” of the Operational Program “Eastern Macedonia & Thrace” (NSRF 2014-2020).

Within the framework of the event, #enaevents provided the organizers with their services before, during, and after the main event. More specifically:

– Creating a website for the event (to increase interest and participation of the target audience)
– Participation of remote attendees via Zoom – a hybrid event
– Photographic coverage of the event
– Musical accompaniment of the event
– Check-in – list of participants
– Hosting the events at #enahub
– Coffee break & finger food – wine buffet
– Posting the photographic material and the presentation on the event website.

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